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Surveillance Enhanced

Security threats are a growing concern at international and national levels, as well as within commercial organizations. With the threats to international borders, governments are ordering reviews of their security arrangements at airports, seaports and public transportation hubs. Law enforcement agencies are also charged with identifying wanted individuals in public places. In addition, security and facilities managers need to keep known undesirables and unknowns off their premises, as well as identifying returning VIPs to a facility. 

NEC’s NeoFace Watch solution is specifically designed to integrate with existing surveillance systems by extracting faces in real time from existing video surveillance systems and matching against a watch list of individuals. When the system identifies an individual of interest from the watch list, it raises an alert, so appropriate actions can be taken rapidly to reduce the risk of public safety threats. 

Independent testing confirms that NEC’s NeoFace technology provides the fastest, most accurate matching capability and is the most resistant to variants in ageing, race and pose angle.

Protecting Your Community

Face Watch helps reduce the risk of security threats by integrating face matching technology with video surveillance input while checking individuals against known photographic watch lists, and producing real-time alerts.

What It Delivers:
• High performance matching capability with multiple camera feeds
• Detection of persons of interest on premises in real-time
• Real-time alerts to be acted upon as necessary
• Suitable for the detection of both undesirables and VIPs
• Ability to process live and archived video images

Easy Integration and Deployment

The NeoFace Watch application is a Web-based thin client with an easy-to-use user interface. It is unobtrusive and requires no operator interaction. The application can be easily customized and integrated into existing surveillance systems and operational processes.

How It Works:
• A surveillance camera integrated with NEC’s NeoFace Watch biometric technology is installed in suitable pinch points.
• Faces of individuals are captured and extracted from the video feed and quality matched in real-time. NeoFace Watch software is able to process multiple camera feeds extracting and matching thousands of faces per minute.
• NeoFace Watch matches faces from video surveillance against the appropriate watch list databases and raise real-time alerts.

Unsurpassed Accuracy & Matching Speed

Face technology’s strength lies in its tolerance of poor quality. Highly compressed surveillance videos and images, previously considered of little to no value, are now usable evidence and leading to higher rates of positive identification. With its proven ability to match low resolution facial images, including images with resolutions down to just 24 pixels between the eyes, NEC’s NeoFace technology outperforms all other face recognition systems in matching accuracy. While searching of latent fingerprints at crime scenes is standard, NEC’s NeoFace facial recognition technology can now positively identify latent photos with high degree of accuracy.

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